Monthly Archives: November 2015

Authors Answer 4 – Dream Interview

Another week, another Monday… I have felt quite meh all day for no particular reason other than just feeling a bit meh. This isn’t exactly conducive to writing a blog post, but let’s see what I can pull out of the bag.

This week’s question is If you could interview any author, who would it be and what would you ask?

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Authors Answer 3 – Character Beliefs

Well, isn’t that an appropriate topic, given the events of last Friday?

Right, let’s get this out of the way. I’m not usually given to political statements, but I suppose I can make an exception now and then.

I am not a social media addict by any means. I have a Facebook account, both personal and as an author, and while I always have it open in the background, I don’t spend my time obsessively following other people’s posts. Twitter is still a mystery to me, and I do little more than link this blog to my account and follow back everyone who follows me if I don’t dislike what I see.

Anyway, I’ve seen a lot of reactions to the terrorist attacks in Paris. Thankfully, most of them have been supportive, not only of the Parisians, but also of the many hundreds of thousands of muslims who are as appalled as everyone else at what has happened. Probably even more so, actually, since the terrorists purport to do what they do in the name of their religion.

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Authors Answer 2 – Guilty Pleasure

I have a bit of a sense of déjà vu here, because I’m pretty sure I’ve answered this question before in the 26-week book challenge. Let me see if I can find the post…

Ah, here it is!

Okay, the actual question this week is Is there an author often criticised that you love to read?

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New series – Authors Answer

I am shamelessly stealing someone else’s idea here, but I’m doing it with permission. My previous post was a re-blog of the one-year anniversary post of Authors Answer over on Jay Dee Archer’s blog. I rather like the idea, but since I am a year late to that bandwagon, I’ll just supply my own answers to the questions so far. And I’m kicking straight off with the Writing Studio!

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